The Council's membership is voluntary but constitutes a serious and important obligation. Therefore, the Council should be viewed as taking a high priority in one's professional and personal commitments and activities.   

  • Attend three Council meetings per year (in person or by phone or Zoom):   

    • September Summer/Fall – Kick Off Retreat (Saturday morning)

    • Winter – Mid-Year Update (via Zoom)

    • Spring – Year-End Prep Meeting (early evening)

  • Be active in the Regis community by serving on at least one Alumni Council committee that meets bi-monthly   

  • Attend two Regis events/programs each fiscal year   

  • Make an annual financial contribution to Regis to obtain 100% giving participation by all Alumni Council members 

    • Minimum of $250 a year  

    • Minimum of $100 a year for GOLD (graduates of the last decade) alumni   

  • Prepare for all Council meetings by reading any designated materials prior to the meetings
  • Members serving on the Council during a reunion year will be expected to serve on their Reunion Committee