Named after Sister Thérèse Higgins ’47, CSJ—one of Regis’ most beloved presidents, administrators, and friends—the Higgins Society honors members of the Regis community who have given at any level for at least three years consecutively. Members of the Higgins Society demonstrate their commitment to the university and continue the legacy of Sister Thérèse—a cherished Regis College leader, alumna, and loyal supporter.
Please renew your support or make your first gift to be on your way to becoming a member. When you join you will receive a Higgins Society magnet as a token of our appreciation! Most importantly, your membership signifies your dedication to enhancing Regis’ present and fostering its future, and your loyalty will inspire others to be members as well.
Membership in the Higgins Society comes with benefits:
- Printed and digital copy of Regis’ annual report on philanthropy
- Inclusion on Regis’ digital honor roll of donors, published annually, with recognition of your Higgins Society loyalty support
- Discounted tickets to select alumni and donor events or FAC performances throughout the year, e.g. the Regis Christmas Concert
- Special recognition at Reunion
- Regular impact updates via newsletters, emails, and videos
- Opportunity to have your story featured in Regis College communications
Thank you for your support!
Higgins society spotlightS
Ellen Walters Gallahue ’63
“My Regis education opened so many doors for me, and I think it is important to give so that future Regis students will have the same opportunities. The college depends on alumni giving to attract and offer scholarships to worthy students, and I want to help in any way I can.”
Read more.

Catherine D'Arcy Murphy '69
“Regis to me means love, loyalty, and friendship. My experience at Regis and the lifelong friends I gained is what inspires me to give back to Regis. ”
Read more.
Andrew Blanchette ’13
“I owe Regis for who I am today. I was fortunate to have assistance through alumni gifts which is the reason I give annually. I hope my gift will give other Regis students their own chance to embrace everything Regis has to offer and shape their future selves.”
Read the full Q&A.
Interested in being featured? Please fill out our donor spotlight form.