Wesley Major, MEd ’15
Regis Major:
Master of Education in Teaching Special Education
Current Employer:
The Gifford School
Job Title:
Special Education Coordinator
Tell me about your career.
The Gifford School is a private, special education school for students with social, emotional, behavioral, and complex learning challenges. I wear many hats in my role as special education coordinator, including helping to supervise teachers in our lower, middle, and high schools; performing academic testing with students; and developing IEPs and academic curriculum. I also work closely with the education director to advise the team on educational issues and help guide decisions. No day is the same, which I love!
How did your education at Regis prepare you for your career?
Without a degree from Regis, I would not have been able to become a teacher or gain my new position as an administrator. While on-the-job work experience is very valuable, my courses at Regis provided a strong foundation that informs my current practice. One lesson from a course on teaching English Language Learners (ELL), for example, highlighted how many ELL teaching techniques work well for students with language processing delays or executive functioning issues. I learned specific vocabulary instruction skills that I used in the classroom when I was teaching, and now I share that with other teachers.
Did you have a Regis mentor?
I will always remember Sister Carmela Abbruzzese ’66, CSJ. Her knowledge was impressive, but her kindness and caring attitude is what I will remember.
What motivated you to become involved in the Regis Graduate Alumni Ambassador Program?
My path to teaching was nontraditional. I didn’t always know I wanted to be a teacher and I didn’t study education as an undergraduate. When I decided to get my master’s in teaching, I was working full time. I felt as though some people could benefit from hearing my experience and learning what they can achieve, even if they follow a nontraditional path as well.
What is your favorite part about being an ambassador?
I really enjoy inspiring others to join the teaching profession, and I am very grateful for everything that my degree from Regis has helped me to achieve. So being an ambassador is my small way of giving back by sharing my experience and motivating others.
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