Yelena Geiler DNP, MSN, RN, FNP-c
Class years: 2007, 2008, 2022
Major: Nursing
Current employment: Education Specialist at Hebrew SeniorLife, Assistant Professor at Regis College, Nurse Practitioner at Charles River Medical Associates
What is your greatest professional accomplishment?
So far, my biggest accomplishment was completing my doctoral degree that promotes advance care planning education for healthy adults. My second achievement was disseminating the project results at the SIGMA Congress in 2023. My article written based on the DNP project was accepted for print in October of 2024 by the Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. Lastly, I am working on promoting better care for dying patients, and we are aiming to study nurses' comfort and competence in providing end-of-life care.
What life lessons have you learned at Regis that have served you well throughout your career?
The expectation of excellence, friendship, kindness, determination, motivation, and mentoring are the key factors in supporting a student in the professional role of the doctorally prepared nurse. Thank you, Dr. Bowen-Brady.
How did Regis prepare you for life after graduation?
The one-on-one guidance of my chair during the doctoral program was an essential component of my academic growth. I was encouraged to look at all aspects of the doctorally prepared nurse, not just my project. My chair, Dr. Helene Bowen-Brady, was and to this day is my mentor in taking my project further. I will be eternally grateful to Dr. Bowen-Brady for taking me under her wing and helping me feel the air of confidence.
Share a memorable experience during your time at Regis.
I was a COVID doctoral student and my most memorable day was meeting one of my closest friends and fellow Regis alum, Justin Resil. He and I worked together to complete our doctoral studies, and he was an integral part of keeping me afloat and away from quitting due to all of the stressors of life and school during COVID.