Class Notes
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Women of Regis 1947 continue to live independently, supported by family. Since our last notes, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with Gertrude Breen Alfredson at the Weston home of Phyllis Gallinelli Campbell. It was heartwarming to listen to these dear friends catch up on lives, families and other Regis related news. Phyllis hosted a lovely lunch, tea and dessert. More recently, it was a pleasure to chat again with Phyllis when she reminded me “I’m 98 you know! and still living in my home.” She’s grateful for attentive care by family and home care aides who check in on her. In September Gert invited me to join her for lunch at Woodland CC so we could share news about Regis. I told her all about the fabulous Regis on Cape Cod August lunch and the remarkable group of Regis Scholars. Gert had just started a new section of LAARC – the previous day’s topic was the Solar System. And of course, Gert remains the class traveler. In June she enjoyed the Scandinavian cruise, visiting Norway and Copenhagen, stopping first and last in London. In November, it was off again to Lisbon to board a repositioning cruise stopping first at Canary Islands and Madeira before crossing the Atlantic destination St John’s VI before wrapping up in Florida. Gert keeps in touch Eleanor Consentino Feuer, who remains in Atkinson, NH where her 3 sons visit several times a week, and where her grandson and 2 dogs Okie and Asha recently moved into the lower level of Eleanor’s home. “It’s good to have company from time to time,” she advised. Then, she told me all about her newest great grandchild Carter, welcomed by his big brother Jonathan in Wisconsin. From the small world department, Eleanor looks forward to weekly visits of a home care aide who just happens to be a graduate of the Regis/Lowell Hospital program. Rita Rizzo Covelle continues to live independently in Stoneham. To honor 1947 classmate Phyllis Brosnahan Richardson and my Mum, we Richardsons started an annual scholarship for Lexington High graduating seniors. As teacher and mom Phyllis always urged “the girls” to pursue education and career in teaching or nursing. Added joy? When parents of other town scholarship awardees seek me out to say “I remember Mrs. Richardson! She was my math teacher!”
And finally, please take a moment to remember another classmate in your prayers – Patricia Morton Donovan who was born into eternal life in February 2023. For years, Patricia lived happily with her husband Victor in Ontario, Canada. It continues to be a pleasure for me to keep up with Regis 1947, women of impact and kindness. Keep happy and healthy. UPDATE. Sadly, right before deadline, I learned that on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Phyllis Gallinelli Campbell was called to join her husband Joseph in heaven. A remarkable life of volunteering, charity, family, friends and devotion to her beloved Regis College and the Class of 1947. She will be missed.
Ann O'Hare Smith's Daughter, Janet Smith - On a beautiful, sunny day this past May, we, the class of 1948, celebrated our seventy-fifth anniversary of graduation from Regis. We were wined and dined with gusto - music, balloons, and many smiling faces - as we were driven around in golf carts by recent Regis graduates, followed by a delicious luncheon.
It was a joyous occasion sharing happy memories, laughter, and fun with our classmates: Marie Fisher Lee, Mary Jane Crowley Murray, Jo DeMauro, Jeanne Blackwell Morgan, Barbara Earley Mason (deceased 2024), (and me) Ann O'Hare Smith. A special thanks to all who so kindly made it truly "a day to remember!"
Patricia Cronin Huie, Class Reporter - Thank you all for answering my calls. My family tells me that I am relentless, but you are the best source of information and news for the Regis Class of 1954.
Regina Seales Caines thank you for conversing with me while you were visiting with your sister in Rochester, NY. It was great hearing about your family reunion in June at the Punta Cana Resort in the Dominican Republic. Regina flew to Punta Cana with her daughter, and Regina’s son, his wife, and Regina’s grandson flew from California to Punta Cana. Regina’s daughter-in-law’s mother and two sisters also flew to Punta Cana from the Netherlands for the family reunion. It was a wonderful family get-together that took a lot of planning and organization.
Mary Roche Sullivan is busy doing her traveling from Waltham, MA to her newly renovated home on the ocean in Scituate, MA. She loves when family members are on vacation and able to visit with her at the beach house.
Sandy Sanderson has been residing between East Sandwich and Falmouth, MA. She loves seeing and spending time with her family on the Cape.
Norma McNamara Quinn spends her summers at her home in Saratoga, NY, and her winters in Juno Beach, FL. Norma loves spending time at the Saratoga Horse Races, having lunch, and going to the Performing Arts Center with family and friends.
Rita Fichera Fragala resides in North Andover, MA with her husband and they are looking forward to their fall trip in October to their home in Sarasota, FL. It was wonderful catching up with Rita. Thank you for taking the time to converse with me and sharing your appreciation of the Class Notes.
Betty Morrissey Neal, my roommate shared that she loves her lovely retirement home in North Carolina and enjoys playing bridge and having lunch with friends. Betty - it was wonderful talking with you and catching up on everything!
Priscilla Bradford Cronin brought me up to date on the Regis Alumni who visited Pocasset, MA. It was also enjoyable to reminisce about our Regis alumni lunches at Derby Street Shops in Hingham, MA. Priscilla resides in Westwood, MA at Fox Hill Village and has family that live nearby. She enjoys spending time with family during the summer at Pocasset.
Joanne Hickey Johnson, and my daughter Barbara and I were able to share a delightful afternoon at her home in Vero Beach, FL, in April. Joanne shared her plans of moving back to Connecticut for the summer with plans to return to Vero Beach in the winter. I look forward to hearing from Joanne about her Connecticut move.
Vivian Lamoureux Duval spends her days with her children and grandchildren at home looking at the “Mount Regis 1954” and other photos of classmates, friends, and family. Her youngest grandchild just graduated from high school and is touring Regis and other colleges. “We are looking forward to attending the 70th reunion in 2024!”
I attended the Regis East Coast Alumni event held at the Palm Beach, FL Yacht Club in March 2023. I met Marie Albiani Buckley’s sister Tish Albiani Carney at the event. Tish told me that Marie was doing well and resides near her in Falmouth, MA.
To all that I was able to reach – thank you for sharing your special events and family updates with me. I am looking forward to our 70th Reunion in May 2024 to be with you and to see my granddaughter, Elizabeth Stevenson, who graduates from the Regis College Nursing Program. I am very proud to say that Elizabeth will be my 3rd granddaughter to be a Regis College graduate!
At this time, I have decided to step down from the 1954 Class Reporter role. It has been so wonderful speaking with many of you over the years and hearing about your news and updates. Going forward, please call the alumni office directly at 781-768-7220 or email to share further updates.
So, to all – be well and stay safe! Look forward to seeing you in 2024!
– Patricia Cronin Huie '54

Janet Condrey Beyer, Class Reporter
Estelle Ferraro Misto – 90 is not exciting to be entering. For me I will not enter that state until March 2024. For some reason I was admitted to 1st grade because there were some empty seats when I should have entered the following September. You know the nuns would love to fill all the seats! Anyway, as I mentioned before Bridge has been my salvation for keeping my mind working along with the social aspect. I, too, am still driving, and thank God for that. I’m able to stay in my home of 60 years. Many things would have to change if I was unable to drive. That’s probably the same for many of us. I’m not using a walker but I do use a cane to prevent a fall. Wow how things have changed! Always happy to read about our classmates. Stay well. P.S. someone gave me a book to read called the Measure. I’m about halfway thru. My problem is my eyes get heavy when I read and fall asleep!
Mary McCarthy Hayes - I still go up to Regis for two classes at the “Life Long Learning Program.” I find it to be very interesting and enjoyable. It was great to be back on the campus after Covid. I also belong to a book club. Presently, we are reading “Tom Lake” by Ann Patchet. I had a fabulous 90th birthday celebration! It was on August 15th. My three daughters took me and seven guests on a limousine ride to La Cuccina Restaurant in Providence, Rhode Island. We enjoyed champagne, games and music of the 50s. It was an amazing experience! Everyone ordered what they wanted for dinner. A beautiful birthday cake was served. Such a day for the memory book!
I’m in touch with Denyse Dunbar Maddaleni. In fact, my daughter Kathy and I visited Denny and Carl in September at the Blackpoint Inn where they joined us for dinner.
I am grateful for the good health, fabulous family and friends that have made my life such a beautiful journey. I wish all 55ers health and peace!

Mary McCarthy Hayes on her 90th

Mary McCarthy Hayes with Denny (Dunbar) Maddaleni, Carl Maddaleni and her daughter, Kathy.
Dear Classmates,
I had intended to send out a class newsletter earlier, but time flies and life happens. As yet I haven’t heard of any more address changes but managed to talk with a few classmates. Carol Settana Scollins is still keeping active at church lecturing, arranging a service at Heritage of Falmouth for those unable to get to Mass and keeping up with her book club. Her grandson was married this summer and Carole is looking forward to a Mississippi River Cruise in November. Speaking of travel, Pat Turner Kelley took a trip to Antarctica – I’m waiting to hear about that! I spoke with Nancy Foley LaDue and Joanne Moloney Fiske. Both, like most of us, stay pretty close to home – Joanne is blessed with a resident chef, her son, who is practicing his culinary skills. Rosemary Porter Lucas still lives in New Bedford and is in her 28th year as a docent at the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Sally O’Connell O’Connor can be found in West Concord Mass (usually) with side trips to Cape Cod and to Vermont to renew her friendship with the Menagerie at her daughter’s “farm”. As for me, I keep busy trying to downsize, making frequent trips to Best Buy to learn how to use my new tablet, some volunteering at church, and weekly get together with my quilting friends.
On a sad note, we have lost three classmates since my last letter. Mary Rose Campbell, Maggie Austin Faneuf, and Carol Bonner Connell. Per usual, Pat Kelley has sent donations from the Sunshine Club to Regis in their memory.
Now to some class business: Back in 2006 at our 50th reunion the Sister John Scholarship was established with the following criteria. 1. Female. 2. Liberal Arts, education, social services. 3. Junior or Senior. 4. 3.0 or higher academic standing. 5. Demonstrated commitment to service and to the Regis Community. Mary Keenan and I recently received the final fiscal report for this scholarship. More than $93,000 has been given to 16 recipients in the past 12-13 years! What a legacy for the class of ’56. Many thanks to Mary Keenan for all her time and efforts in coordinating the scholarship.
Time changes, and as we end one scholarship, I have learned that an endowed scholarship has been established by James Dunn, husband of our late classmate Jane Gallogly Dunn. Jane was a Home Economics major who briefly worked as a dietitian while moving from one post to another and raising 6 children. The criteria for this scholarship reflects the current times – financial need – area of study in the School of Health Sciences especially public health, exercise and an interest in nutrition.
In my conversations with Carole et al I noticed we are all booklovers – Sally is on a first name basis at her local library, Carole belongs to a book club, Joanne is partial to light mysteries “nothing too deep” – she recommends Lisa Gardiner whose mysteries are located in the Boston area. On my last foray to the library bookstore I found a new author – Carlene O’Connor who has written a delightful series of murder mysteries in Ireland – lots of banter – keeps you guessing. My favorite books are Left Neglected by Lisa Genova (neuroscientist) with a great ending/moral. The Lost and found Bookshop by Susan Wiggs was a delight – light romance-history. And of course I read Lessons in Chemistry!
I hope 2023 has been kind to you – I think we can all attest to the fact that getting old is not easy and definitely not always graceful. I’m grateful that I went to Regis in the 50s where I made good friends – didn’t worry about wildfires, floods, didn’t think about politics and wars breaking out everywhere. We were blessed. Let’s pray for Peace – kindness – tolerance – and especially let’s pray for each other. Please keep in touch – Mary Lou Rawson
Audrey Bowen Criado - Canada will never be the same!! In September, Audrey Bowen Criado, Marilyn Lombardi Nicholas, Kay O'Connor Johnson, and Barbara O'Neil Natale took a Holland America cruise bound for Quebec City to see the Canadian foliage and to reminisce about our good old Regis days. Amazingly, we met a gentleman from Regis University in Denver. What a Small World.
Maureen Palmer - Greetings to all! I recently had a great phone conversation with Ruth Holland Lynch. She recently had adjustments made to her home in Mill Valley, CA so that she can continue residing there comfortably. She often goes to Alaska to visit her daughter. During the summer and fall, some of the 59ers got together for lunch: Gerry Chase, Carol Donovan, Marilyn Lombardi Nicholas, Barbara O’Neil, Audrey Bowen Criado, Liz Russell Bilafer, Janice Canniff McCall, MaryAnne Kennedy Smith, Kay O’Connor Johnson, to name a few. I got a chance to join Brenda Fultz McDonough and a mutual friend of ours from Pembroke. Sounds like a lot of eating out (thank God for Take-out boxes. Brenda Meade Doherty was up from Florida for several weeks this summer and dare I say it….more lunches! Please remember in your prayers our dear classmates who have gone to God: Mary Philbin Gorman (Feb. ‘23), Mary Courtney (April ‘23), and Peggy Nichols, CSJ (Nov. ‘23). Please keep in touch!
Joanne McCarthy Dermont - Short note to let you know that now that the screen actors and writer’s strikes are over my daughter Amber Dermont’s NY Times best-selling book The Starboard Sea is going to proceed to be made into a Netflix TV series by Ben Affleck. I am fairly well waiting for Thanksgiving to visit my son Jared in Greenwich, CT. It will be great to see my grandsons Jasper and Dashiel Dermont and my daughter Amber, who will be coming from Houston, Texas where she is a Professor at Rice University.
Dorothy DeNave Rossi - After fifty-plus years of living in the DC suburbs, we have moved to a senior residence in Boulder, CO. Our family really wanted this for us. I fought it the whole way, but it is working out well. AND if your travels take you to CO come to see us. Life is Good.
MaryAlice Bernet Houghton - Considering that we’re in our 80s now, my husband Bill and I are in reasonably good shape. We both retired from our psychiatric practices several years ago, but like a lot of retired folks, we’re busy enough with a variety of interests that we wonder how we ever had time to go to work! Our three children are middle-aged now, and our 6 grandchildren range in age from 10 to 20 years old.
Jo Anne Dufort - I am no longer your class reporter. We had our 60th class reunion this year, which was poorly attended. There were a few attendees for the luncheon but none for the dinner. This past year was very sad. My sister, Yvette, and my dog, Zoe, 16 years old, passed away. But on the plus side, I did some traveling to Africa, to Kenya and Tanzania. They were fabulous safaris.
Virginia McNeil Slep, 508-358-2478,
Sheila Dineen Queenan, 603-881-8528,
This coming spring, the Class of ’64 will celebrate our 60th reunion! The date is Saturday, June 1, 2024, so please mark your calendar. We hope to see everyone there!! (Wasn’t our 50th reunion just a little while ago?)
Here are some Regis offerings that may interest you. I find each of them a nice way to stay connected to Regis:
- Remember Hemetera, the Regis literary magazine? It’s still going strong, and is now online. The Hemetera staff publishes submissions online all during the year, then chooses the best to put into the print edition each spring. You can find all the current offerings at
- The Regis Alumni Book Club meets monthly on a Wednesday evening at 7 pm on Zoom. I first joined a year ago, and I find it a delightful group of intelligent women from all over the country, sharing interesting points of view and ideas, led by the Regis librarian, Jane Peck. There’s no commitment and no charge; you don’t have to attend if you're busy or don’t like that month’s book. Information is available by emailing
- And definitely check out the Lifelong Learning at Regis College (LLARC) program. I’ve been teaching Creative Writing and taking classes in the program since 2009, and I really enjoy the offerings. Many are on Zoom, so you can attend from anywhere. Find out more at
Mary Crane Fahey and her husband John still enjoy their summer home at Lake Winnipesaukee, NH with all their grandchildren visiting. They go to North Hutchinson Island, Florida each winter, where they visit Judy Machaj Susanin who winters nearby at Vero Beach. Mary continues to write and share her poetry, and is hoping for publication of her most recent poem, “Music Uniquely His.” Good luck, Mary!
Nobumi (Maria) Matsumura Morishima and her husband continue to spend three months each summer at their summer house in the mountains to get away from the heat in Kobe. Maria watches BBC and CNN on TV and keeps up with all the events here and in Japan, and is hoping for the best for everyone. She wishes her Regis classmates and friends “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and lots of love.”.
Mary Carroll Epperlein went to Hawaii last January and to Ireland in October. She and Mary Ann Serra travel to New York City occasionally to attend an opera. This fall, they attended La Boheme and a Spanish opera, Florencia en las Amazonas. Mary is also doing some real estate to keep herself busy, and hopes to see everyone at the reunion in June.
Shelley Hackett Phipps stays busy in Tuscon, Arizona: long walks with the dogs, gardening, her book club, and trips to the Southwest, the Midwest, and New England. This past summer had record-breaking heat and drought, and she wrote, “Send water!!” She and her partner look forward to a trip to Costa Rica for bird watching, kayaking, and hiking.
Karen Johnson Celi and her husband John took a 17-day cruise of Eastern Europe on the Danube last spring. They started in Bucharest and Costanza on the Black Sea and went north to Vienna. They happened on the Lipizzaner horses while they were leaving their stables to go to a performance area – an unexpected treat. She and John had a wonderful summer sailing on their boat.
Anisa Shubita Kreitem emailed me in October to say she and her family were safe at their homes in Jerusalem, but I haven’t heard from her since then. She asked for prayers for peace everywhere.
As for me, Virginia McNeil Slep, I’m still teaching in the LLARC program at Regis, and still serve on their Advisory Board. I was very surprised and honored last May to be named Teacher of the Year. I still write a regular column for the North Reading Transcript, my hometown paper. I enjoy gardening and walking a mile or two every day.
Health issues seem to be affecting all of us, and I wish all classmates good health. Stay well, Class of ’64, and let me hear from you!

1965 classmates at Regis Memorial Mass in November: Gail Hoffman Burke, Carole Groncki McCarthy, Virginia Flynn Wright, Anne Marie Fontaine Healey.

1965 Home Economics classmates (plus one) enjoying lunch: Anne Marie Healey, Carole McCarthy (chemistry), Barbara Sullivan, Mel Lavenberg, Kathleen Henighan.

Anne Marie Fontaine Healey 1965 revisiting Mount Alvernia High School in Jamaica where she taught as a Regis Lay Apostolate volunteer.

80th Birthday cake at Sagamore Beach.

Venantia Fivawo Malima with 3 of her sons, in Tanzania.

Carol Jewell Hunt. notification from art exhibit
Anne Marie Fontaine Healey, Class Reporter, 54 Stacy Street, Randolph, MA 02368, 617-894-1125,
Happy 80th birthday to us!
Who would have imagined 58 years ago that so many of us would be saying that? A birthday lunch was organized by Carole Groncki McCarthy at the Wayside Inn in October. Classmates present were Janet DeAngelo Nedder, Andrea DeSimone Hallion, Virginia Flynn Wright, Carole, Mary Ellen Lavenberg, Kathleen McCaffrey Ford, and Patricia McCarthy Jacquart. Those of us unable to attend are hoping for another get-together in the spring.
Andrea continues to be a volunteer at visitor services at the Museum of Fine Arts. Ginny remains a driving force in TIARA, the Irish Ancestry group. Ginny also recently welcomed her 14th grandchild, tying with Anne Marie Fontaine Healey in the large family category. Mel, a multiple times Camino pilgrim to Santiago, Spain, regrets she could not walk there this year, but has walked an amazing 1550 miles closer to home this past year. “Once a pilgrim, always a pilgrim.” Mel continues her Spanish language group at the Weston Senior Center. Even though retired, Pat is still very involved with the French Department at Scituate High, which includes planning student trips to France. “Paris is always a good idea.”.
At the Golden Tower luncheon at Regis in May, Janet shared happy news she had just received. Her granddaughter Victoria, a second-year medical student at Case Western, had just gotten engaged while on a trip to Switzerland.
Patricia Gaumond Kasierski and husband George are looking forward to the April wedding of their grandson Thomas, who will marry the girl he met on their first day of orientation at Trinity University in San Antonio. The couple now live and work in Houston, but are returning to San Antonio for their wedding.
The Regis Cape lunch in August brought together Katherine Moynihan McGovern, who now divides her time between Florida and Connecticut, Gail Hoffman Burke, who should get an award for coming to multiple Regis events via ferry from her home on Martha’s Vineyard, Sharon Gibbons Reardon, Carole McCarthy, and Anne Marie Healey.
Sharon and Tom Reardon celebrated an anniversary on Mackinac Island in Michigan. It was a step back in time with horse-drawn carriages instead of automobiles for transportation on the island. The hotel and food were great, the architecture quaint, and the famous fudge delicious.

Carole Groncki McCarthy and her husband Ken at Regis where they were married 59 years ago.
Carol and Ken McCarthy celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in November with a renewal of vows at a Mass at Pope St. John XXIII Seminary, followed by a family dinner at the Wayside Inn. They also visited the chapel at Regis where their wedding took place.
Despite the sorrow of her husband Jay's passing in April, Carol Jewell Hunt finds herself smiling when reflecting on the many joyful memories that they shared over 63 years. In addition, the family legacy continues as Carol's grandson John represents a third-generation Hunt family member at Boston College. Carol was in four group art exhibits this year, including Heroines of the Abstract Expressionist Era, where her work was displayed among that of many famous women artists.
Barbara Doran Sullivan hosted an 80th birthday party in June, with guests Marie Shatos, Kathleen Henighan, Mel Lavenberg, and Anne Marie Healey. Dessert was a cake that was a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. Kathleen entertained us by singing while playing her ukulele. Marie described a pilgrimage she made to the Holy Land, retracing the journey Jesus took from Capernaum to Jerusalem.
Sadly, Marie had a tragic fire several months later that destroyed her house and killed her friend Jackie. Marie has been very active in her church and community in Athol, and her kindness was returned by the support of many friends and neighbors.
Anne Marie Healey traveled to Turkiye and experienced a hot air balloon ride, a genuine Turkish bath experience, many museums and archaeological sites, the wonders of Istanbul, and four days on a yacht in the Mediterranean. She also went to Jamaica and revisited Mount Alvernia High School in Montego Bay, (with a Jamaican alumni group) where she had been a volunteer teacher through the Regis Lay Apostolate program.
The Regis Memorial Mass, attended by Gail and her husband Walter, Carole, Ginny, and Anne Marie, remembered classmates: Anne Herron Healy, Rosemary Sweeney McLaughlin, Jean Audisio Mantzaris, and Patricia Lamb Pascual
After the memorial service, we met with Dr. Gerald Healy (Anne’s husband) and their family. Gerry established the Anne Herron Healy scholarship for Regis students with financial need, with preference given to first-generation female students. To donate, visit:
Start planning for our 60th Reunion in 2025!
Constance Alexander Giorgio and Janet Banas Higgins, Class Reporters: Nancy Lewis Hennessey never imagined that she would still be working at this point in her life but she has failed at retirement several times. Three years ago she wrote a book, THE READING COMPREHENSION BLUEPRINT HELPING STUDENTS MAKE MEANING FROM TEXT. This resulted in requests for webinars, podcasts, book studies, and conference presentations. An accompanying activity and practice guide will be published in January 2024. Fortunately she has a co-author who is nowhere near retirement. Her commitment to dyslexia continues and she is currently serving on the North Carolina branch of IDA. Congratulations, Nancy!
Susan Clark Cronin, Connie Alexander Giorgio, Mary McAuliffe and Elaine Falcione Wallace and spouses had dinner together in Hyannis in October, prompted by a Regis 1966 get together in September at the fabulous Cape Cod Bay home of Jane McCarthy Smith. Those attending were Nancy Greene Barry, Eleanor McCarthy Bouvier, Elaine Falcione Wallace, Susan Clark Cronin, Eileen Gaquin Kelley, Mary Lou Collins, Connie Alexander Georgio, Kathy Bailey and Mary McAuliffe. Eleanor McCarthy Bouvier, Nancy Barry, and Susan Clark Cronin, along with Mary McAuliffe, get together on Thursdays for coffee and a chat.
Connie Alexander Giorgio has been busy volunteering at her local public library and welcoming her daughter Suzanne and family to Cape Cod where Suzanne bought a home four miles from Connie and Peter after Suzanne’s recent divorce.
Francine Bailey Osenton reports that this was a great year to get together with friends. Connie Alexander Giorgio visited in July and Ann Bernson visited in August. Francine herself traveled to Cape Cod in late August to visit Connie and Peter Giorgio. The three of them then traveled to the Jersey Shore for Labor Day weekend with other friends including Carol Batiston O’Connell. Francine concludes that Regis friends are a lifetime of blessings.
Nancy Corcoran’s 50th Jubilee as a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet happened in March of 2020 and then the world locked down! This past May, Nancy did visit Paris, Lyon, Le Pax en Velay and Rome. The highlight of her year has been being asked by the Director of Permanent Deacons in St. Louis to educate the Deacons, their wives, and widows regarding transgender humans and their families. The Missouri Legislature and the Attorney General have chosen to eliminate affirmative care for children who are transgender. Forty families have moved out of MO for that reason. Nancy asks that we support LGBTQIA humans in our area. Connie Alexander Giorgio is IN, Nancy, now that she is the grandmother of Ellie (formerly Andrew)! You go, Nancy!!!
Janet Banas Higgins sends New Year's greetings to everyone. She and Michael continue to enjoy two things in life: family and travels. The past year in February and March, they traveled to New Zealand and Australia. Janet’s biggest achievement on the trip was a three-hour climb with a group of 12 adults to the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Cruising Scandinavia was on the calendar for June, which included a favorite spot, the Orkney Islands in Scotland. Finally, in September and October, travels took them to Canada and the eastern seaboard of the United States. At home, in Virginia, they very much enjoy 3 daughters, their spouses, 6 grandchildren and two great grandsons.
Eileen Gaquin Kelley had a great summer with lots of family around. Her son and family from Texas were there with her on the Cape. Eileen herself is taking some courses at Cape Cod Community College with the Academy for Lifelong Learning. She is also volunteering at the Dennis Memorial Library every Friday afternoon.
Sister M. Ann Christine Flaherty, CSJ was one of two sisters to attend the Golden Tower Luncheon on May 13, 2023. She elates that we are approaching the 100th anniversary of Regis College and the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph. She wants us to be mindful of the early sisters of St. Joseph who founded the college, namely Mother Domitilia and her sisters who thought outside the box!! Sister Ann Christine came to Regis to study in the summer and graduated in 1966.
Mary Lou Collins proclaims that it was a good year for travel. She just returned from a Road Scholar trip to Cuba which was fun and intellectually stimulating. For home activities she has been doing volunteer tutoring, she belongs to two book clubs, sees grandchildren, attends exercise classes, and goes to lots of lunches.
Carol Marinelli Auth is still in Westfield, MA helping her son to produce spectrometers despite the sudden passing of his dad and the consequent disappearance of critical engineering knowhow. It is a challenge but since the use of these devices is to analyze exactly the presence of wanted or unwanted substances in the air or in production processes, it is worth the effort She writes that she is a child of nature born of happy childhood wanderings in the lovely Wenham countryside with her fluffy, loving companion Buffy. They are now working on spectrometers used to monitor volcanic activity on Mt. Etna. Felicia, sister to Carole and Linda, is managing her treatment for cancer.
A mini reunion was held on Thursday, Nov. 30 for the class of 1966 at the home of Joanna Rapp Holden. In attendance were Beth Kossuth, Kathy Bailey, Joan O’Leary Foley, Linda and Carol Marinelli and Susan Clark Cronin. The group missed Betsy Burns Griffin, Ann Tracy Guerrero, Beth Lewis Bowen, and Susan Airoldi Kailoch. Unfortunately, Susan lost her husband of more than 50 years on Thanksgiving Day. The attending members of the class could have talked for many more hours.
Rosemarie Melloni Dittmer, 93 Altamont Ave., Melrose, MA 02176, 781-665-8172,
Carolyn Sammartino Moran, 105 Kittredge St.#1, Roslindale, MA 02131, 617-921-5759,
The condolences of the class are offered to the families and friends of the following who have died: Margaret Inness 8-22-2021, of Georgia, who taught in Boston for over 30 years, and was active in Audubon Societies in Georgia, survived by her husband John Galvani; Mary Zoza 4-24-2003, of South Boston, remembered by her sisters, nieces and nephews as an artist, and cat lover; and Margaret Lally Colleran 9-3-2023, of Needham and East Orleans, survived by her husband Paul, 4 children, and 4 grandchildren. Also, we remember Jerome C. Wagner 6-15-2015, husband of Sally Mahoney Wagner, and Leo Chang, PhD 8-31-2022, Professor Emeritus of Political Science. Frances Hogan remembers Dr. Chang as a person who valued her opinions during seminars, and gave her the courage to speak up and share her thoughts. Carolyn Sammartino Moran recalls that when they both lived in Brookline, they drove in a carpool with his son and her daughter who attended the same pre-school. A beloved teacher, and wonderful person! Attending the Cape Cod Luncheon this summer were: Paula Dempsey Beauregard, Marlene Gibbons Wilkey, Carolyn Moran, and Frances Waht Lewis. Paula and her husband also spent time in Florida during several of our coldest days this winter, and continues with her book clubs and craft work. Marlene enjoyed a visit from her son to her new home in Plymouth, and Carolyn enjoyed a visit in Oak Bluffs from her youngest daughter and grandchildren from Genoa, Italy. It was their first visit since 2019. Frances Lewis had a summer visit from her daughter and grandchildren from Brittany, France, and she will again visit them this year. She is chair of the Open Space Committee in Eastham. Patricia McCurry Morley visited Seattle with one of her daughters, and spent other summer time with Don in Maine. She also works on a variety of crafts. Rosemarie Melloni Dittmer continues to do seminars in various schools and churches. Recently, she worked with a parish area team in Boston coordinating a 3 day international retreat with folks coming from various states and countries. Linda Shopes has taught at Goucher College and continues to make periodic visits to family in Connecticut and Massachusetts. She also volunteers at the Catholic Worker House in Baltimore.
Miriam Riley Flecca,, continues to gather classmates for lunch and conversation. A cross section of attendees, in no particular order has included: Carolyn Moran, Paula Beauregard, Patti Morley, Rosemarie Dittmer, Carolyn Conway Stack, Cheryl Adkins Boss, Mary McLaughlin, Jane Ryan Wessen, Charlene DeMayo Niles, Margaret Jones Gigante, Rachel Gustina Shea, Marguerite Jones Gigante, Barbara Hunt Madden, Ellen Kearns, Phyllis Carberry Mueller, Patricia Connearney Deveaux, Patricia Driscoll Egan, and others. Contact Mim if you wish to be added to the email list. Among conversations shared at a recent one of those gatherings at the Chateau, Waltham, Jane Wessen celebrated the birth of her first granddaughter, Tessa Jane Wessen born in February to son Chris and his wife Nina, and Barb Madden is a proud first-time grandmother to a grandson. Pam Mueller and Joe were taking a trip to Illinois and Missouri to attend a 50th wedding celebration and visit relatives. They had also enjoyed a Rhine River Cruise with a land tour, and seeing the Passion Play at Oberammergau. Ellen Kearns is now a mediator for labor and employment matters, and was looking forward to a trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and another to the Holy Land in late October. Sally Wagner is retired, has 5 grandchildren from 2 sons, joined Cheryl and others at a Chateau luncheon. She keeps in touch with Rosemary Mark Riley whose husband has also died, and Rosemary now lives in Nevada near her daughter. Martha Donnelly Stay has moved to Georgia near her son and his family, celebrated her 50th anniversary in Florida with her family, and recalls meeting her husband Russ at a Villanova and Regis Glee Club Concert. She has kept in touch with Jack DeMambro, husband of the late Ellen Phalon DeMambro. Paula Murphy Fletcher has moved to El Cajon, CA to be near her son Sam who started a scuba diving business, and she helps. Daughter Bonnie is working as a patent attorney in Washington DC. Paula also plays recorder with a group that meets monthly, and is involved in helping migrants since the border is near and the need great. She misses some things about New England, but not the winter! Charlene Niles and Carolyn Stack share happy grandchildren moments as both have seen the older ones off to college! Charlene and Mike travel between Connecticut where son Michael has 4 sons, and New Hampshire where daughter Michele has a daughter and 2 sons. Carolyn Stack and George spend time on Emerald Isle, NC, and recently spoke with Mary Kenney Burke who also goes there. Congratulations to Janice Settana Bingham, a 2022 recipient of the Archdiocese of Boston Cheverus Award for service to the Church. Janice joins previous honorees from our class: Rose Dittmer 2008, Fran Hogan 2011, Susan Lang Abbott 2013, and Regis '66 alum, Judith Guilfoyle Beatrice 2019. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who have experienced health challenges of their own or those of family members, and know that when we come together and share, the joys are doubled and the sorrows are halved.
Tricia Nelson Cross, Class Reporter - Greetings classmates! Thank you Tish Brush for being such a conscientious correspondent, keeping the class connected! Sounds like a busy summer, traveling to make up for lost time during COVID. “Visited Dawn-Marie Driscoll for nine days in the spring, also saw Barbara Bouchard Haggerty. We cruised to Iceland in July, and have returned from a family vacation in Skagen, Denmark. Dawn-Marie Driscoll will arrive in two weeks for a business meeting and sightseeing. Then we go into hibernation! I am officially closing my coaching practice with the end of the calendar year—mixed feelings, but at age 77 it’s time. I handed in the three chapters I have written for a collaboration with colleagues on a leadership book. It is probably my last professional involvement. I got a new knee at the end of last year. It is perfect! It has put me “back in the game! Long walks in the woods behind our house and shopping is once again a joy and not a painful chore. Good for you Tish!!!” Judy Lauch wrote Kate Korzendorfer, Regis CIO, daughter of our late classmate and dear friend Pat Grosz Korzendorfer, and graciously invited us to her home in Adams, MA over the June 10th weekend. We descended upon Kate gradually: Maryanne Burtman, Sandy Diaferio, Mary Beth Cormier, Jeanne Gianturco Jaroszewski, Judy Lauch and Tricia Nelson Cross were joined by Kate's brother, John Korzendorfer, and his daughter, Emily. Such get-togethers are always fun but this was extra special. Kate has transformed her childhood home into a lovely but comfy showcase. Pat must be so proud of her offspring! What a great visit!
Mary Beth Cormier caught up to Tricia’s large brood of 6 couples and their 14 children on vacation in Wareham. Thank goodness Mary Beth Govoni Cormier lived in town…so we never got lost! We had to have 2 houses in the woods to accommodate the whole family and had a wonderful week!! Mary Beth and Judy & Bill Lauch also visited on the same day. We were all amazed at how the 9 grandsons have grown. Several of them at or are over 6 feet! A treat for us was having our 2 oldest sons Jay and Jeff and their families from Ohio and California.
Irene “Renie” Shea McGee says, “I just returned from visiting Israel. Fabulous experience. Interesting country, it’s very much like Florida: hot and the Israeli citizens weren’t born there! I’m still Dragon Boat racing. I’d help train a team for a race if students or alums are interested. I have added being a hospital clown to my duties. Also reading to K-3, gigs at nursing homes, local festivals and parades round out the clowning. I added a ukulele music ministry to my Sunday afternoons and do ukulele gigs here and there with 2 different groups and brought my granddaughter Renie. Amazing!!!! Maryanne Skeiber Burtman. “Husband Tim and I were in Florida for January and February this year to get out of the Upstate New York Winter which is always a nice getaway. Last September we traveled to Yellowstone and visited some beautiful and inspiring places in the USA! We started in Badlands National Park and Rapid City, Utah. We got very close to some Bison, fascinating! The trip included Mt. Rushmore, Cody, WY along with Yellowstone, a trip of a lifetime! We ended our trip in Grand Teton National Park with spectacular views of mountains and prairies! Last stop Jackson, WY and a flight home. There's so much to see in this country! I was glad to visit with Regis friends in May and June and look forward to more!” Linda Gaioni Dranchak enjoyed the 55th reunion having had to miss our 50th and so had not seen the campus for many years. The physical improvements were impressive, seeing so many male grads on campus was a bit startling, but it was learning about the massive changes in the academic programs that just blew me away. Regis has survived by changing and addressing some serious societal needs. Husband John and I recently celebrated our 53rd wedding anniversary. Our blessings include daughter Sarah's boys, our three local grandsons, who all play sports. Different sports, age groups, practice days, and different game days, locations and schedules. This requires a detailed spreadsheet and help with driving. Son Mike and children live in Shrewsbury, able to spend time with them. Kate and her husband live in Napa, CA. Sarah and her husband bought a second home just a few miles from us. It is a very busy Airbnb except for those weeks when Kate comes to Maine to work.
Son-in-law Greg, a born and raised California guy, loves Maine and I have hopes that they will retire here. Our world is a bit more limited than it used to be, but we are still grateful for our family, health, and friends.
Grace Previte Meo says, “Seven years into retirement and how the days pass. Peter and I joined the Y and we started in the "Fit for Life" program, a great and varied program for physical activity. Great to see Dawn Marie Driscoll who is also in the class! I am also taking a Mediterranean cooking class at the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts - lots of fun, introducing new recipes to our menu. After 54 years of marriage, it is about time to have new ideas for dinner menus. Traveling has been minimal except for a trip to Bermuda which was great fun and lovely. My girls live close by so we can attend the grandchildren's games and have drop in visits. I frequently see and Carol Hogan Ford. Not only have Rita, Carol and I been close over the years, our families are also very close. I will be seeing Dr.Gail Gawlinski McGuinness in the next few weeks. Gail has been living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina for several years and retired a few years ago from her position at the American Board of Pediatrics. It seems that book clubs are a key part of retirement and I have enjoyed reading books that my book club recommends - probably books that I would never have considered in the past. All is well with the Meo's. Rita Famiglietti Lash continues to fill time with trips to Pennsylvania (Stephen and family) and DC (Christopher) as well as volunteering and enjoying retirement with friends and family. Grace, Carol Hogan Ford and I got together recently for lunch and it was wonderful to catch up with what’s going on in our respective lives and families. Although we talk often, it was great to be face to face! Also, David and I are celebrating our son, Stephen’s recently earned PhD in engineering. After juggling a full time job, two small kids, and all that goes along with that, he successfully defended his dissertation in August. Congratulation David!! Very Proud parents!!
To my fellow classmates, I have enjoyed my role as '68 Class Reporter. Thank you for filling in with news and family stories. I truly enjoyed these past years. Burt and I are looking forward to our 40th Anniversary and enjoying our children and friends in Rhode Island! It is a thrill to see them off to colleges and how well they have matured! Burt and I are blessed. Warm regards to all and proud to be a Regis Grad!!! - Tricia Nelson Cross ‘68
Marlena Belviso Santomero - Since our retirement, my husband Tony and I have been happy travelers! Our most recent adventure was to Croatia via a small ship cruise. The Dalmatian Coast is lovely, and we enjoyed both the cuisine and the culture to be found in Dubrovnik, Split, and Montenegro.
Leigh Alogna Duff - In 2013, we moved to Juno Beach, Florida from Miami Beach. Prior to that we lived in Southern California, Northern California, the Washington D.C. area (McLean, Virginia), and Manhattan. It would be wonderful to connect with any Regis classmates who are also living in Palm Beach County.
After a long hiatus, we are back! Our class celebrated our 50th reunion in the midst of Covid, but ever determined as we have always been, some of us from Angela Hall (first floor back and fourth floor -yay!) gathered at my home (Chris Fregosi Beagan) for a lunch. Recreating our Regis bonds were: Beth Callahan Hines, Margo Sullivan Delaney, Mary Ann Wolflein Sarbanis, Susan Effgen Gately, Carol Wilson Gallagher, Nancy Kern Haley, Pat Gillson Whitehead, Janet Sullivan McDermott, MJ Curtin May, Ellen Byrne, Ann Kirby, and Pat Funder. The conversation and laughter never stopped, and we set a goal to try to meet once a year.
Last year we planned a trip to the Berkshires and stayed at an Air BnB. Those of us able to attend were: Pat Gillson Whitehead, Carol Wilson Gallagher, Susan Effgen Gately, MJ Curtin May, and myself. It truly was a wonderful trip and a great chance to catch up. Fifty plus years disappeared. This year, some of us were able to meet for lunch in Lynnfield: MJ., Carol, MaryAnn Wolflein Sarbanis, Sue, and I were able to meet up in October. We hope to continue these yearly meetings and hope that more of us can attend despite our still busy schedules. Whether caring for family and grandchildren, volunteering at food pantries, tutoring, working with senior citizens, our class' commitment to service continues. Barbara Quatrocchi Morell continues to inspire students at St. Joseph University in New York, where she is a Professor and Chair of the Criminal Justice Program. Barbara has an interest in Restorative Justice and has planned and taken trips to South Africa, just one of many of her contributions to her students and St. Joseph University.
Pat Gillson Whitehead retired from the Holmstead School in New Jersey as the Head of School after a long and dedicated career. She now sits on the Board there, Sue Effgen Gately has been volunteering through the Unitarian Church and has been involved with a family of Afghan refugees, tutoring the nine and ten year old children, and helping the family find housing, And good news: the family just recently moved into a permanent home in Newburyport.
We remember our classmates who have passed this year, Mary Barry, Nancy Culotta Collins, Janet Sullivan McDermott, and Ann McDermott Miller. We miss them, and we wish their families peace. Please send me any news you would like to share at Peace in the new year. Chris
Nadine Binkley Bonda, Ph.D., has been appointed Board of Trustees Chair at TERC, a STEM education research and development nonprofit. With six years of support and advocacy for TERC, Nadine brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the organization. Nadine is eager to explore how teachers and students think about the teaching and learning of STEM disciplines, and is passionate about TERC’s work that has been advancing STEM education and creating equitable opportunities for all learners for over 55 years. As Chair of the Board, Nadine is committed to bringing TERC’s exceptional board members together to form a cohesive group that works in the best interest of the nonprofit. In a letter introducing herself and her goals as Chair of the Board, Nadine recently addressed TERC’s community. Read it here:
Mary Jane Curtin May - On October 12 Chris Fregosi Beagan, Carol Wilson Gallagher, Maryann Wolflein Sarbanis, Sue Effgen Gately, and I (MJ Curtin May) met for lunch at Market Street in Lynnfield. It was a wonderful afternoon with friends. Some of us met for a Stockbridge getaway last year with Pat Gilson Whitehead, and are planning a spring trip to Connecticut.
Audrey (AJ) Volckmann Leonard, Class Reporter - In the past year, I completed my visit to all 50 states! Hawaii was the last one, and what a thrill to check that off my bucket list! It only took 73 years! Jack and I recently celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary, and traveled to Charleston, SC to celebrate. It was our first time in Charleston, and we loved it! We also welcomed our 8th grandchild into the Leonard clan! I just can't get rid of the Pack 'N Play and high chair yet!! I've kept in touch with several classmates via Facebook, which has been great to see all those wonderful ladies! I'm already looking forward to our next reunion! I'm enjoying retirement, doing a lot of babysitting, since all 8 grandchildren are age 7 and under! What a wonderful time of our lives...many of us have retired, are enjoying our children/grandchildren, taking classes, traveling, and making new memories! I hope you all are well! Cheers from Highland Park, Illinois!
Meg Kenah Holsey - Hi Classmates, John & I love to travel..just came home from France🇾🇪 again! OOH LA LA The countryside is beautiful & so are the VINEYARDS 🍷🥂🍾. Hope all is well with you! Air Hugs & Kisses.
CherylAnn Welch - I have been very busy this year. I'm president of the Belmont Dramatic Club. We do two shows per year. Our first this past April was Ken Ludwig's "Baskerville". This zany piece had Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and three immensely talented folks who played over thirty roles! Costuming, set pieces and props kept stage hands busy while I called cues. This Fall we are mounting Man of LaMancha. Fifteen very talented folks will each take on two or three roles as Cervantes tells the story of Don Quixote de la Mancha. The prison is the set. The costumes are period and there are helmets galore. I'm also a trustee for my condo association and facilitate a monthly Gathering for other retirees from Somerville. I attended my 50th reunion this year. I had a fantastic time.

Elizabeth (Liz) Johnson - I retired in 2017 and have been relaxing into it — so many projects that aren’t quite proceeding as planned! Last year we moved from our dream house in the woods to Richmond VA, partly to be closer to healthcare (I had a very minor stroke three years ago) but mostly to be closer to my siblings, 4 of whom are also here. I’ve joined a chorale, volunteered at a food bank, and been accepted as a poll worker. In May I went to my first-ever reunion and now I deeply regret blowing off all the others. In June I went with my sister and two friends on a pilgrimage from Winchester to Canterbury — what an amazing route; England is slowly restoring the traditional pilgrim routes. Bob is easing out of his freelance work, which gives him time to travel, so in November we crossed an item off his to-do list: a cruise of the Galapagos. It was an astonishing ten days (I was charged by a tortoise), but it did cut into family Thanksgiving: a week on the Outer Banks with 40 people! We continue with our living history group, even though 15 years ago I told Bob that I couldn’t visualize continuing past 70. There’s still so much to learn and try that now I can’t visualize stopping.
Grace Murphy, Class Reporter - 6 Colony Rd., Lexington, MA 02420, 781-861-3914
Congratulations to Elizabeth Frawley Bagley on being named U.S. Ambassador to Brazil. She was sworn in in January 2023 by Vice President Kamala Harris. Elizabeth has had a long and distinguished career in the State Department. In fact, this is her second stint as Ambassador, having served as Ambassador to Portugal during the Clinton administration.
Condolences to Debbie Mann-MacDonald on the unexpected passing of her husband Bob, in May 2023.
Kathy Mason Podoski escorted her mother, Barbara E. Mason, Regis '48, to her 75th Regis reunion. (Yes, you read that right - her 75th reunion)!
That provides me with a great segue to remind everyone that our 50th reunion is fast approaching. It is a significant milestone and we are hoping for a high turnout. Please clear your calendars for 5/31-6/1. It promises to be a fun weekend. If you have not been on campus for a while - perhaps not since our own graduation - it would be the perfect time to see the many changes on campus. And, of course, it will be great to reconnect with classmates that you have not seen in a while.
Our success in achieving a high attendance rate starts with having accurate contact information for everyone, especially e-mail addresses and phone numbers. If you believe that your information needs updating, please contact the Alumni office at You can also make updates directly on the website: Here’s hoping for a great turnout!
Elise Simard Gebhardt - My husband and I retired after working 45+ years in our own business and decided to move to Colorado to be closer to our two grandchildren. We love it in Denver and especially how active most people are hiking, biking, golfing, and skiing. We have always had a ski home in Steamboat and recently upgraded to a larger unit. Our grandchildren are 5 and 7 and love skiing also. I am fortunate to still have my parents alive and active at 93 and 91. We do return to the Boston area quite often for family events. But we do not miss the humidity! If you are in the Denver area, please get in touch:

Janet Arigo Dygert and Don, St. John, USVI.

Cathy Grealy Cohen and family.

Class of 1975 at the Wychemere Beach Club.
Janet Arigo Dygert, Class Reporter: Happy New Year to the Class of ’75. And, Happy 70th Birthday, as I’m sure most of us have passed that milestone in the past year. Don and I had another successful year of retirement. A surprise 70th for me in March, NYC in May, cruise to Bermuda in June, summer on Cape Cod, then 2 weeks in paradise on St. John, USVI in fall. Still staying active with golf, cooking, gardening, Crossfit and a few 5Ks.
I met Cathy Grealy Cohen for lunch during her annual Cape Cod vacation. Cathy also had a big party in DC for her 70th birthday and her 3 children and two grand children came from around the country. She enjoyed a brief retirement learning pickle-ball, mahjong and needlepoint, but it wasn’t enough so she formed an LLC to assist disruptive health technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and remote monitoring devices with payment challenges.
Mary Ann Dellea Cronin and her husband spent much of the year doing an extensive home renovation, which required them to live outside of their home for 4+ months. Once back in, there were many more months of fine-tuning, but they are now more or less back to normal. They enjoyed spending Christmas back in their home! Mary Ann’s husband’s health is up and down, but up at the moment, for which she is grateful. Her daughter is doing well and Mary Ann is still working part-time doing social work. She enjoyed seeing so many Regis alumnae at both the Cape Cod luncheon in August and the gala in October. She’s looking forward to more gatherings in the coming year and sends the best to all of her classmates. Wish you all a happy and healthy year. Stay tuned for information as we start to plan our 50th reunion in 2025.

Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki New Zealand.
Susan Crawford Leverone - Greetings from West Newbury! Mike (spouse) and I moved here a few years ago, and the neighbors are friendly and fun. Our neighborhood is near the banks of the Merrimac River, Newburyport, and the ocean with Maine and NH close by. I belong to the Friends of the West Newbury Library, raising funds for library activities, acquisitions, and the "library of things" for patrons to borrow. Our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live in West Virginia and are expecting a second child very soon. Julia teaches at West Virginia University, specializing in Spanish and poetry. Patrick lives in Maine and works at the Maine Gem and Mineral Museum, focusing on meteorites, a unique collection in the country. We love to travel and this year we started with Orlando and Chincoteague Island. We also took a 6-week excursion to San Franciso, New Zealand, Australia, and Honolulu this summer. In the recent past, we toured France (Reims to Nice), Kalispell Montana, Kansas City, Vancouver, and Seattle. For fun, we attended the FIFA World Cup US women's national team soccer matches (NZ and AUS), and Major League soccer matches in US cities we had not yet visited. All were unique and amazing places. Waiting for women's soccer in Boston....hopefully soon. Hope to see you all at our 50th!
Joan Gallagher - I'm still living on the Cape with my two Australian Shepherds, working at Cape Cod Community College as the Director of the Adult Education Center, where we offer courses in English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education (high school completion). I'm learning to navigate my "new normal" as my husband passed away in April; faith, family, and friends have been a great source of comfort. Finally took a course in Sign Language, but still haven't learned how to knit.

Lela Niemer - Please come visit me in Thailand on holiday. I rent out sea view marble 40 sq meter studios for 10.000 thai bath around 300 us a month. I am presently working as Model /Actress. I unfortunately got divorced last April after 42 years of marriage. Our daughter Alexandra has followed in my footsteps and became an air hostess for Royal Dutch Airlines KLM.

Newport Luncheon.
Linda Miller-Foster, Class Reporter - Thanks to everyone who sent an update! Ellen O'Donnell Rankin sent a photo of a fun Regis reunion in Newport RI this summer. Pictured left to right: Sheila Comeford, Carol Friel Brodd, Ellen O’Donnell Rankin, Laurie Mallett, Debbie Bradon Gentile, and Kathy Bassett Girouard.
Stephanie Anderson is still working at The Travelers in Hartford, after 44 years. She has three adorable grandsons (Rachel Anderson '11) that she spends as much time with as possible; and keeps in touch with Marian Zytka. She would love to reconnect with Therese Scalia. Stephanie expects to retire sometime and continue to discover new horizons.
Patricia Jensen reports that she has just gotten married to Scott Marshall, and that they have been together for almost 18 years. Congratulations Patricia and Scott! Scott went with Patricia to her daughter’s Regis graduation ceremony in 2010.
As for me, Linda Miller-Foster, I have been working at the same non-profit organization, Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, for seventeen years; and now have two wonderful grandchildren.
The Maria Hall Gang recently got together at an Irish pub in Reading, MA for a fun evening of sharing memories and catching up.
Linde Simpson Dynneson and her husband Ron own and operate two traditional bed and breakfasts in Davis Square, Somerville. They have been open 22 years, made it through COVID closures, and are busier than ever.
Pat Bleheen, when not relaxing at her Cape Cod get-away in Eastham, is still working in HR for a global technology company, traveling frequently to Europe and South America. Her son Nick is finishing up university at Trinity in Hartford while her husband enjoys his retirement perfecting his golf game.
And guess who just graduated from Regis again? Congratulations to Cyndi Hanley McKinnon, our 1978 class president, who retired from Aetna in 2009 to become a Registered Nurse. To further her career, she returned to Regis and in 2018 completed her BS in Nursing. She is now a Case Manager in the ER at The Hospital of Central CT. Cyndi’s son Andy, an Artist and aspiring Brewmaster in Seattle, got married earlier this summer. Her daughter Erin currently works as a Senior Project Manager with Mass General Brigham after graduating from Wentworth with a degree in Architecture. She and her boyfriend bought a home in Andover last year. They all toured Ireland a few years ago and hope to visit Scotland next year. When not working, Cyndi spends time at her beach house in South Yarmouth.
Liz Barrett lives in Richmond, VA with her partner and adventure loving dog. She recently retired from a career in dentistry and epidemiology. Most recently, she headed a public health children’s dental clinic. Life seems a little quieter now and she enjoys splitting her time between Richmond and her second home in rural New Hampshire where she enjoys lots of hiking, biking, and cross-country skiing. In Richmond, Liz swims on a Masters Swim Team and is still trying to master the flip turn.
Liz Lichtenberg Maniscalco continues to live in Reading, MA with Mario, her husband of 44 years. She has been a therapist, field instructor to graduate students, and a manager at Solutions For Living after receiving a Master's in Social Work from Salem University. Liz is active in the community as a Cursillista, and instructor of Confirmation. She also volunteers by preparing a weekly meal for families in need through the Lasagna Love organization. In her free time, she enjoys reading and painting and is very involved with her 16-year-old granddaughter.
Pat Cloutier Mayer is a Director of Product Management at PerkinElmer, a life sciences company in the Boston area. She recently sold her home in Billerica and spends her time between her homes in Old Orchard Beach, ME and Fort Meyers, FL. Her two sons, Jean-Paul and Andre, have graduated from college and are married and working in the Boston area. Pat treasures her weekly visits with her adorable new granddaughter. Upcoming travel includes the Taylor Swift concert in Amsterdam!
Missing from the Maria Crew get-together but not forgotten were Majella Sheehan, Patricia Timmoney, Rosanne Dipietro, Helen Mulvey Connors, Diane Tomasi Dever, Jeanne Grezjka Fell, Nancy Kilmartin and Chris Crowley Delosh '79. Hope they can join us at our next get-together!
Betsy Adams (was Eliz. Jazowski in '78) - I have been in remiss for not taking the proper time to keep connected by updating my Regis contacts. I'm living on Cape Cod, still working in real estate (if anyone wishes to buy or sell, would truly love a reference), and enjoy the Florida sun from time to time. Regretfully I just cancelled a trip to Egypt in October but maybe in the future? My best to everyone. Betsy.

The Connecticut Gabels at Nana's 100th birthday party.
Diane Gabel - Jeff's mom turned 100 in Sept. Third grand girl born in April. Planning cross country trip with sister in early '24.
Linda Di Giandomenico - Now that I am retired, I will spend more time researching my family history, having thus far traced ancestors back to the mid-1700s. I have abstracted and indexed thousands of vital records from my father's home town in Italy, and have translated various documents for others researching their Italian ancestors.
Pat DiPasqua Woodward - My daughter, Harley Woodward, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Nolan School of Hotel Management at Cornell University in May 2023.
Debbie Southworth Howard - 160 NW Greenway Place, Waukee, IA 50263, 515-441-9539,
Janet Mills-Knudsen – Note new address! - 1526 Belfry Dr, Venice, FL 34292, 781-424-0660,
Congratulations to Karen Walsh Fortin, Kathy Shepard, and Debbie Fietze LeBlanc for their recent retirements. Classmates Dorine Olsen, Kathy Carroll, and Karen Walsh were joined by Janet Morehouse ’78 for a celebration of Debbie’s retirement in June.
Deb Flaherty Kizer was recently recognized as a “Woman of Distinction” by her assemblyman Phil Steck (NY State 110th District). Deb’s recognition was for her volunteer work with the American Heart Association, Adult Congenital Heart Association, and many other good causes.
Marie Cain Blackwood and her husband John live year ‘round in Naples, FL. They enjoy golfing and traveling. Their oldest son Jack, who lives in Los Angeles, was married in May. Younger son James resides in Houston. Marie often visits her 97-year-old mother, Mary Cain ’48, who lives in Framingham, MA.
Kathy Dawley enjoyed a career in higher education for over three decades, focused primarily on enrollment management. She has recently transitioned from full to part-time as the first step toward full retirement. She and her husband of 38 years, Peter, plan to spend more time focused on adventures and their grandchildren, Charlie (8) and Zoey (3). Kathy and Peter live in Weston, MA. They are active hikers with their golden retriever, Skye. Kathy recently hosted a gathering of Regis friends from the class of ’78, including Raquel Matas, Mary Roche, Mary Ames, and Paula Bellardo[MV2]. While each enjoyed varied careers since leaving Regis, they still shared much in common -- fond memories, funny stories, and great friendships.
Last summer Debbie Southworth Howard traveled to Paris, Florence, and Venice with her son Sean and daughter-in-law Juliette. In September, a work-related mission trip brought her to Athens, Kavala, and Thessaloniki, Greece. In November she visited family in Vermont and took a side trip to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.
Carolyn Callahan Hough is retired and living in Waltham. She has six grandchildren who live in Medfield and Marstons Mills, MA. Carolyn enjoys gardening; and, rather than be constrained by living in a townhome, she planted a vegetable garden at her sister's house. She also has beautiful flower boxes that attract hummingbirds, which provide entertainment for her and her neighbors. Tragically, Carolyn lost her husband of 30 years, Kevin, very suddenly in April.
Roberta Fox participated in the Dempsey Challenge in Lewiston, Maine in September. She completed the Dempsey Duathlon, a 4.5-mile run, followed by a 22-mile bicycle ride. This year marked the 15th anniversary of this event, founded by Patrick Dempsey, which raises money to provide free care to people impacted by cancer. This year, Roberta participated in honor of her friend and Regis classmate Lori Seccareccio DeMartin, who passed away in May 2023 after a 3-year battle with ovarian cancer. We extend our condolences to Lori’s friends and family.
We were saddened to learn of another classmate’s death, Margaret Goode. We send our deepest sympathy to her friends and family.

Anne Gruszka McKenzie is RETIRED and has closed a fulfilling 30-year chapter of her work life at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) within the Latin American Studies Program (LASP), 1993-2020, and Global Careers, 2020-2023. She looks forward to her next adventures!

Roberta Mogavero Fitzgerald - Hi, Hope everyone is doing well. Ted and I just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. We’ve been living in Pinehurst, NC for 9 years now and love it here. Our kids are nearby in Raleigh. We are grandparents to one beautiful 2-year-old girl who lights up our lives. Met up with Barbara (Bobbie) Moran Plunkett ’82 and my sister Kate Mullaney ’78 this summer at the Loft at the Cove in Yarmouth for a Jim Plunkett happy hour. Had a great time. It was like being back at Tower Tavern! I look forward to seeing Bobbie again next summer.
Nancy Lee Black - Married, now Nancy Lee Black, of Greenville, NH. Artist, painting realistic scenes on multi-panes of glass Frames.

Darlene in "Hello Sixty" t-shirt, her husband Michael in the back with a few friends all headed to Havana Cuba to give back to people in need.
Darlene Ann Greco Hayes - Accepted a position this past summer with Lincoln Property Company (LPC) Boston, the third largest commercial property management company in Massachusetts as their Tenant Services Coordinator for their suburban property division overseeing client services for 19 regional properties, that represents over 2 million sq. ft. of office, commercial & industrial clients from the metro west, south shore & southern NH.
As many in the class of ’85, this is a milestone birthday year, this fall to celebrate her 60th birthday Darlene went on a humanitarian trip to Cuba with her husband. bringing supplies to nonprofits and being immersed in the culture of Havana.

Summer 2023!!
Katie FitzGerald McCully - I'm celebrating my 30th year as a teacher at Nauset Regional High School in Eastham, MA and in my spare time I continue to compete in Triathlon and Aquathlon events. Highlights this year included 2 first place age-group finishes at the USAT Multisport Nationals in Irving, Texas in April. 1st in the draft legal sprint triathlon and first in the Aquathlon. Another highlight was a 2nd place finish at the ITU World Aquathlon Championships in Ibiza, Spain this past May. Age is just a number and I'm hoping to continue racing for many years to come.
Maureen Foley Holland, Class Reporter - It has been 35 years since we were sent out into the world from the 131 rolling, peaceful, and green acres of Regis College to make our mark. And make our mark we did and continue to do so. Kym Johnson Miele has done a wonderful job reporting on all that we have achieved over the years and has handed over her role to me. Thank you, Kym, for your commitment. I recently retired from teaching middle school English after 25 years, so I figured I would have time to support our class by taking on the role of Class Reporter. I hope I do not disappoint.
In April of 2023, Mary Ellen Kelly hosted a delicious brunch in her beautiful new condo on Spinnaker Island in Hull. On that cool spring day, Ross Powers Kessel, Sarah Walcott Abrahmson, Marianne Ritchie McMorrow, Marty Mahoney, and Barbara Grady Belmarsh attended the get-together. As I looked around the room, it was clear that the third floor of Domitilla lives on.
The Kentucky Derby was the theme of the second party that Mary Ellen Kelly hosted at her home. Melissa McCabe Barry, Laura Doherty Reynolds, Barbara Grady Belmarsh, Anne Maneikis, Fatima Garcia Fedorowicz, Kara Laverty Flynn, Maureen Foley Holland, and Susan McDonough Sullivan all attended the gathering. Good food and good wine were served. It was a great opportunity to spend time with friends and to cheer on the jockeys and horses in the most exciting two minutes in sports. Fatima Garcia Fedorowicz, dressed in a fashionable Kentucky Derby hat, won the pool!
In preparation for the 35th reunion, Fatima Garcia Fedorwitz hosted an outdoor dinner party in her lovely home in Canton. Barbara Grady Belmarsh, Marianne Ritchie McMorrow, Anne Maneikis, Rossana Tehran Alvarez, Melissa McCabe Barry, Mary Ellen Kelly, and Maureen Foley Holland were in attendance. Rossana Tehran Alvarez traveled with her husband Federico Alvarez from Miami to see her friends from college for the reunion. It was such a treat to see Rossana and Federico back in Boston! That evening the years melted away, and friendships picked up right where they left off. Spending time with old classmates reminds us of our mutual past and shared memories. The Class of 1988 has a special bond today because of the values instilled in us 35 years ago.
In May of 2023, the class reunion was held on campus. Susan McDonough Sullivan, Fatima Garcia Fedorowicz, Kara Laverty Flynn, Rossana Tehran Alvarez, Kathleen Forrest Regan, Mary Bunell, and Claire Barton attended the event. The Class Mass was the highlight of the reunion, held in the chapel and followed by dinner in the Student Union. Walking the campus and visiting the dorms on that afternoon brought back memories of classmates, professors, the Sisters of St. Joseph, parietals, RAs, Tower Tavern, and running up the stairwell in College Hall to get to class on time. That night, Claire Barton, Cheryl Barton, and Kathy N were seen at the pub on campus!
Later in the year, Amy Buckley Meyer reported that she and Bob Meyer moved to Florida in November of 2022 following job opportunities. Amy is the General Manager of Catering at a college in Pensacola, Florida. Their daughter Gretchen graduated from college and got married all in the same week! Good luck to the growing Meyer Family!
Please send me updates. I’d love to hear from you. My goal is to report all the events and accomplishments of our class. Maureen Foley -

Maria Alpers Henehan, Class Reporter - Hello, Regis Girls! It is with a heavy heart that I share the news of the passing of our Regis sister, Bonna Sam. If you had the pleasure of knowing Bonna, you will remember her beautiful smile and truly kind heart. Cherish her memory and please keep her children in your thoughts and prayers.
Congratulations to Diane Tynan and Stephen Hudson who were married on October 13, 2023! Briege Walsh O’Connell has been teaching in the Boston Public Schools for 24 years and is currently a third grade teacher. Briege and Jake are proud of their daughters, Mary Kate and Caroline. Caroline, a senior, runs track at Loyola University in Maryland. Mary Kate is a sophomore nursing student at St. Anselm’s. Lisa Perry Calderon’s son, Josh, and his girlfriend were engaged on November 19 which happened to be Lisa and Paul’s 29th anniversary! Her daughter, Lydia, is a senior (nursing major) at Salem State. Lisa still works for the Salem Special Education Department. Nancy Antonellis D’Amato reports that Hannah, a sophomore at Emmanuel College, is an art major with a minor in secondary education. Hannah has combined her two passions and is a studio assistant liaison and organizer at Danforth Art Museum and School. Luna is a sophomore at Framingham High School.
Kerry Kehoe’s daughter, Abigail Marie Battles, married Andrew Bouchard on December 21, 2022. Cathy Stanton and Brian celebrated their 30th anniversary and welcomed a granddaughter, Mia (8/7/22)...CONGRATULATIONS! Their daughters Meg and Sarah are both nurses working in the maternity ward and NICU respectively. Their daughter, Allie, has two horses and is building a house nearby in Walpole. Cathy plays pickleball and bridge with Mary Turco, another Regis grad. Kristen Dolder Wenger is back at it…working as a preschool teacher in Manchester, NH. Her oldest son lives in Knoxville, TN, and her two others are in college. Barbara L’Heureux’s daughter, Bridget, was married in August 2023 in Maine and bought a house outside of Philadelphia. Irene Mooka Richard’s oldest son was married over the summer, and she loves her new daughter-in-law! Kristine Gomes works for a Korean Food Import company and bought a second home in the White Mountains. Her daughter, Chloe, graduated from Wheaton, and they took a celebratory trip to London. Andrea Ausiello Manning celebrated 30 years practicing law…congratulations! She has been with Computershare for 26 years and is an Associate General Counsel and Corporate Secretary for two of their bank entities. She completed her eighth half marathon this year and has completed two full marathons…you go, girl! Andrea and her two sons live in Reading with their adopted mischievous orange Tabby, Sunshine.
Karol Maybury’s youngest son graduated from Purdue. Sister Maria Iannuccillo serves as Communications Coordinator for her congregation, SSND. During their 25th General Chapter in November, she participated in a private audience with the Pope…so amazing, and she shared a beautiful photo. What an honor! Melanie Faulkner’s son, Tim, is a First Lieutenant in the Army deployed overseas. Olivia is finishing up her public relations degree at Suffolk University and has qualified for the Irish Dance World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland. Melanie is looking forward to traveling with her in March 2024. She caught up with some friends from the Class of ‘90 including Carolyn Duda Campbell, Leslie Fernandes Scafidi, Janet Dattero Stone, and Terry Costa Duffy. Melanie is enjoying her 35th year in education. Kathy Nawn Conrad’s son, Steven, passed the MA plumbing exam…give her a ring if you are in need! Christina is finishing up her PsyD program and doing her residency next year. Kathy has been teaching in Tewksbury for 16 years and celebrated her 33rd wedding anniversary in September. Lisa Meninno Theriault is in her second year teaching at Saint Edward’s School in Vero Beach FL. She is a reverse snowbird! It is her third year as an online adjunct professor of Spanish for Health Science for Regis! Kimberly DeVito Salerno has a new job with a fine jeweler specializing in custom design and repair. Her previous long-term employer was not able to reopen after Hurricane Ian. JoEllen Caffrey McGinnity shared news that Susan Smith Porter’s daughter, Kaitlyn, was married at Chatham Bars Inn in March, her youngest son is a freshman at Clemson, and her middle son works for Google. Jana Furey Ewing is wrapping up her final year with the Medford Public Schools. Ruth Flaherty’s mom, a Regis grad, passed away in the Spring. JoEllen’s son, Michael, graduated from SNHU. It brings me great joy to be able to connect and share news, and I thank you most sincerely. We have our reunion coming up, and I am not sure I will be able to attend because my son, Jack, is graduating from Tulane. I look forward to hearing stories but will truly miss the visit to our old stomping grounds! I wish you all good health, much love, and many laughs.
Anne-Marie Caruso - Congratulations to Anne-Marie Kerrigan Caruso on graduating from the Regis College Doctorate of Education program in 2022. Following graduation, she joined the Regis EdD faculty as an Adjunct Lecturer. She has worked at Wentworth Institute of Technology since 2008 and currently serves as Associate Vice President, Student Financial Services.
Stephanie Perini-Hegarty - I am happy to share that after many years running my own law practice, I have gone back in-house with Morgan Stanley at an Executive Director in their Legal Compliance Division overseeing the share plan business. I am chair of the Board of Trustees for The Woodward School for Girls in Quincy MA and am always on the look out for new board members if anyone has an interest in supporting an all-girls educational program. I have 2 daughters: my oldest Katelyn got married this summer annd is working as a marketing account manager in Boston and my youngest just graduated with her masters in Accounting and is working for a financial service company in Boston. We are very proud of them both! My husband and I recently attended a wedding in Dublin and are ready to celebrate the upcoming Christmas holidays with family!

Graduates of Sangria University, August 2023.
Christina Ferlisi Kennedy, Class Reporter - Hello Classmates! Nice to hear from a few folks. Reach out to or directly to Class notes are now digital and will appear on the Regis website.
We Enjoyed a wonderful trip to Disney's Boardwalk Resort with friends Kristin Shaughnessy Libertini, Kristen Sulkala Cannon, Lauren Murray O'Donnell, Tracie Murray Carvalho, Stephanie Cunningham Thompson, Dawn Lathrope Highland, and Ellen Osgood George. Epcot and Sangria University were highlights! We missed Susan Costa Stevens and Liz DeBonis Stanton on this excursion, but we gather often on the Cape, have dinners out, and many other memorable trips. Blessed to have this Regis Group.
Joan Fellows Madden and her husband Charlie have been married for 33 years. Daughter Anika, age 32, was married in 2020. Son Michael, 29, is the manager of Boston Ski & Tennis, Westboro MA. Joan works for National Grid in Energy Efficiency and Charlie does house renovations. Anika and her husband welcomed their son Henry (Hank) Francis Roy in May 2022. Hank was born with a genetic disorder called Denys Drash Syndrome. On dialysis since 10 days old, Hank recently had a transplant as his Dad was a match. If you would like to follow his journey, visit
Kerry Munroe Madden and her husband celebrated their 32nd anniversary June 2023. They have two grown children, Bee, 30, and Katy, 23. Kerry started her career in applied linguistics with Pimsleur International. She also spent 16 years working for The Pampered Chef as an upper-level sales director, national speaker, and trainer. Today, she owns a fitness and wellness company that specializes in evidence-based exercise and nutrition for people going through the menopause transition. She is also a presenter at fitness conferences and wellness events, and featured on podcasts. In her free time, she listens to and reads books, hikes local trails, competes in triathlons, and spends time with her. She is especially grateful for classmate Joan, who married her husband's brother, forever family!

Kathe Feeney Farris - Kathe's debut comedy album "Have you seen this woman" was released in November. Feel free to listen now anywhere you listen to your favorite music or podcasts (spotify, apple, etc..) or go to:

Photo of Caitlin McCarthy by Pure Style Photography.
Caitlin McCarthy - Caitlin McCarthy's screenwriting career has been heating up. Her scientific drama WONDER DRUG is moving into preproduction with producer Stephen Nemeth and Rhino Films. Caitlin is also partnering on writing/creating the TV series GAELS with Lynsey Murdoch (BBC Scottish Voices 2020), developed with financial assistance from the Scottish Government and the National Lottery through Creative Scotland and produced by Pirate Productions. Learn more at

Recent ferry trip on the Hudson River before leaving Albany, NY. (Our last “home” before our recent move).
Sharon Cleary - After almost 20 years of living in multiple states on the East Coast.. Matt and I have returned to New England and we are living in Framingham! I am working part Time for Ocean State Job Lot. Matt and I will be celebrating our 28th wedding anniversary October 21st.
Tammie Stanford - Hello to all my Class of 1995 Classmates! After my years-long struggle with a traumatic brain injury and spinal CSF leak that began in 2015 (while I was working at Regis), I have been serving on the Board of Directors of the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation, currently as Vice-President and Secretary, since 2020. We seek to raise the level of awareness of intracranial hypotension due to spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak among laypersons and health professionals. We also provide professional education on all clinical aspects of this condition, provide each person affected by it access to compassionate, high-quality informational and emotional support, advocate for better access to care and better support systems, promote collaborations among all stakeholders to accelerate advances, and support research on the epidemiology, causes, diagnostic testing, treatments, complications, and outcomes of this incredibly debilitating and challenging condition. I am determined to make some good come out of a very difficult situation that upended my and my family's lives. You can learn more at As a result of my TBI, I still struggle with cognitive and attention issues, significant and permanent hearing loss, as well as profound vestibular disorders, but I try very hard to take these challenges in stride and be thankful for all I have. AND - I even got into Harvard! The Harvard Brain Bank, that is. When I pass away, my brain will be donated to the same bank where professional football players' brains are studied to help better understand the consequences of TBI and Spinal CSF Leak on the brain. Outside of my foundation service, my husband Steven and I have been enjoying spending time with our grown kids (24, 23, and 19 years) on epic trips to make up for the time we lost while I was ill. In recent years, we have gone on an RV adventure through Nevada, Arizona, and Utah visiting National Parks, were amazed by the Aurora Borealis, volcanos, geysers, glaciers, and hot springs in Iceland, swam with dolphins in the Florida Keys, hiked in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, spied stars on the Academy Awards red carpet, and returned to explore Ireland - where I studied for a semester during my senior year at Regis - to make wonderful new memories. I am looking forward to a mini-reunion being organized by the Class of 1995 in the Spring of 2024 and celebrating our 30th reunion on campus in 2025!
Amy Clines - Amy is now the Director of Marketing and Enrollment for the University System of Georgia eCampus. This new role allowed Amy and her family to relocate closer to family in the metro-Atlanta area and they now call Carrollton home.

My boyfriend, Ethan, and I at Zion National Park.
April Laverriere - I recently got promoted to Associate Director of Marketing Program Management at LGC Clinical Diagnostics. My boyfriend and I are very active with road/gravel/mountain biking and I have been competing/placing in my age group (and sometimes overall). I recently ran a 5K in CA while on a work trip and got third overall. My son just graduated from college with his BS in Health Sciences and is studying for his M.S. in Occupational Therapy.

Stephanie Turgeon - In 2021 I moved to Savannah, to be closer to my parents who are in SC, in 2022 my brother adopted my niece, Lianna Marie, and in 2023 I started as a VA School Certifying Official at South University, became employed by the Savannah Bananas, spent a whirlwind week in Wells Beach, ME with the family, and have lost 42 pounds and counting since!

Angela Reidy - On 10/27/2023 my husband Joe and I welcomed our twin baby boys into the world, Christopher Anthony and Benjamin Charles Reidy. They join older brother Joseph IV age 7 and big sister Delia age 5.
Janine M. Lapan-Yawson - Happy New Year from the Class of 1999. As the saying goes, “No news is good news.” Wishing you a prosperous, healthy New Year!
Karen Proulx - My sister, Chris Proulx '99 and I ran our first 5k together! We ran the Shelburne Farms 5k in Shelburne VT. No surprise that her time was better than mine! We had a great time and I hope we race together again in the future.
Megan Tierney Connor - It’s hard to believe our 25th reunion is next May 2025! I now have a high school student. A freshman at Acton Boxborough at loving the swim and ski team! My son is now in 5th grade and still very much into marine biology and learning about nature and the environment. I am now on year 6 at The Umbrella Arts Center in Concord, MA as their major gift officer. Come visit our art gallery exhibitions and see a cool play or concert there soon! Keeping busy in several volunteer roles serving as the commodore of the Wild Harbor Sailing Program on the cape and as Chair of the Boxborough Recreation Commission running several programs in the community and developed a new baseball field, basketball courts, adult fitness, playground and pickleball and tennis courts. Learning more and more how popular pickleball is becoming!
I said goodbye to a dear friend, Kyle Montouri Medbery '00 this past fall and saw several wonderful fellow Regis Angela Hall classmates there: Amanda Ruppert Adams, Cheryl Ditscheit Cardone, Jill Bousquet Ryan, Maura Drury, Pam Sale Allton '99 and Allison Hickie Robinson. It was a wonderful celebration and tribute to Kyle's life, and she will certainly be missed by so many!

8 of the Regis grads in attendance at the wedding in 2018: Katie Sticklor Tommasini, Carla Damian Livolsi, Jennifer Savoie, Kate Hancock, Emily Milot Boisvert, Krissy Friel Fontaine, Martha Douty Perez, and Meg Morrill!
Kate Hancock - Kate Hancock, MBA, SPHR has started her next great adventure: she started law school at UMASS School of Law in August 2023. Kate is pursuing her legal education part-time while continuing to support her organization, Saint Elizabeth Community, as their Director of Human Resources, a position she has held since 2021. Kate is also celebrating her 5-year wedding anniversary with her husband Bill Akerblom in December 2023.

Ashley & Tom Newcomb.

Elle, Kelly, Liz, Chrissy & Susannah.
Congratulations to Andrea Depaoli McDonough on her promotion to Department Administrator in November 2022 in the Office for Faculty Affairs at Harvard. While she’s been at the university for a total of 16 years, she’s been working in this office for 11 years, which is slightly suspicious since we just graduated a few years ago…
Gina Napoleon Clark earned her second degree black belt in January 2023 and competed in several tournaments. Most recently, at the KRANE Triple Crown Nationals, Gina received 1st place, 40-49 Women’s Black Belt Forms and 2nd place, 40-49 Women’s Black Belt Weapons.
Did you hear the wedding bells ring for Ashley Poor Newcomb? She and Tom tied the knot on October 22, 2023. In attendance were Elle Wolterbeek Yarborough, Kelly Linehan, Christina Paul Marabella, and Susannah Smith '03.

Yoko Tanaka Amano - We live in Southern California with my wonderful husband and three kids!
Paula Spadea, Class Reporter: As always, our class has been busy making moves and growing! There has been some time between updates and our class has quite a few! Meghan McBride Schaefer welcomed a baby boy named Noah, who turned 1 in August. Her family recently moved to Northern Virginia. Jessica Homer moved closer to the Northeast from Florida to Maryland. She started working at Moxie Mediation conducting workplace investigations and trainings. Check her out! Victoria Montgomery’s oldest is graduating high school this year, while her second oldest is starting high school! Aroostine Brown moved to Maine and got a new job at Costco. Mary Gay-Donovan is the proud mom of two hockey girls, an 8th grader and a 5th grader, while she still works at a K-2 elementary school. Way to break into male-dominated sports! Katrina Hill married Jessica Spinale in November 2023. Congrats to the newlyweds! Stephanie Barros Hansbury welcomed a baby girl, Natalia, in December 2022. I, Paula Power Spadea, also welcomed a baby girl, Francesca, a week later in December 2022. I was happy to have a pregnancy buddy. I am building a small private counseling practice while I continue to work in Quality at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. If you can believe it or not, our 20-year reunion is soon! I hope to reconnect with you all at the festivities.

Bobbie Finocchio - I started a new job at Elmwood Franklin School in Buffalo as Lower School Head. It has been an exciting start to the school year. I miss the Boston area so much and just purchased a vacation home in my hometown, Winthrop! Our two kids keep us busy and happy.
Elizabeth Woodard - After 23 years of service to the Regis College music program, I was blessed to celebrate the Alumni Chorus' 30th anniversary as their director before closing that chapter of my career. These 23 years were filled with some amazing memories and friendships, and I'm so thankful to have been able to serve Regis for as long as I did. My next musical project is in the works. In other events, I'm ministering full-time in the Archdiocese of Boston and in my private work as a spiritual director ( I also teach as an adjunct at St. Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary. I teach theology for master's students as well as several classes for permanent deacons in formation and their wives. The light of my life, though, is my daughter, Hope, who is now two. My husband Ben and I are so blessed to have her.

Strawberry picking with family.

Jullieanne Lee, Executive Director of Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ+ Advancement celebrating Pride with older adults of Boston.
Jullieanne Doherty Lee - Jullieanne Doherty Lee continues her over 15 year career of public service in city of Boston government, with a focus on uplifting and engaging the most isolated and historically marginalized communities. Jullieanne was most recently appointed as Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of LGBTQ+ Advancement to develop and implement the office’s mission, framework, and community impact. Jullieanne enjoys swimming on the Cape with her mother, talking to her dad about Star Wars, trying out the latest Korean restaurants with her wife Seol, and picking up her daughter Harper from kindergarten while lip syncing in the car ride home. *Throws rainbow glitter*.

Randi Flynn - On August 31, 2023 my son Theodore Jacob Flynn was born.

Kassandra Kernes - Kassy continues to work as a photo editor and producer in the entertainment industry working on some of TV and film’s biggest titles. Titles released this year include: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret and John Wick 4. She currently works from home as a contractor for Netflix.

Sarah Vedrani - After joining the Board of Directors last year, Sarah is incredibly excited to begin a massive collections cataloging and digitization project for the Colonel Paul Wentworth House in Rollinsford, NH. Sarah is also a member of the planning committee for the Fort William and Mary 250th Anniversary Commemoration, developing material culture standards and public programming for this important living history event.
Linda Sheppard-Reece - Greetings...After leaving Northeast Health Services last summer, I started South of Boston Psychiatric in Norwell, MA. Having my own business has its benefits. My favorite benefit, is scheduling time with my family. My children have blessed my husband and I with 7 beautiful grandchildren and one is on the way!
Lauren Ghazal - I was honored as a 2023 STAT Wunderkind. Stat is a health-oriented news website launched in Boston in 2015. Their Wunderkinds program annually recognizes promising early-career researchers in health and medicine across North America. Eligible candidates include postdoctoral fellows, medical residents, interns, medical fellows and industry scientists who have completed their terminal degrees and are in their initial job or training program. This year Stat named 28 Wunderkinds.

Casha Chillemi - Hi, since graduating from Regis, I have gotten married. I’m still traveling as much as possible and enjoy spending time with family and friends.

Me and my girl, Amalia. 🤍
Gabriela Gonzalez - Well, after graduating during a pandemic I got lots of experience! From long term care to med surge and finally my goal mother! I found out I was pregnant in spring 2021, got to do lots of travel nursing while I still had my 9-5 triaging patients from home. Finally, we had our girl December 30th and I still get to take care of people from home while being a mother. LMRC was such a good experience for me, I don’t regret anything. Thank you so much to the amazing professor’s that made me into who I am today. I’ll take you wherever I end up.
Cecily Allen - I own my own mental health practice called holistic well. We have offices in back bay, Natick, Newton and Concord, MA. We serve New England, Oregon, Florida and California.

Our engagement picture in front of the Regis Tower!
Grace Phipps - After graduating from Regis in 2022, I got engaged to another Regis College Alum! After he graduated in 2023, we both moved to Richmond, Virginia from both Massachusetts and North Carolina and we are both currently working full time in our fields! Our wedding is set to be in June of 2024, which is approaching pretty quickly! I will be continuing my education with going back to school for a Post-baccalaureate certificate in Child and Adolescent Psychology this upcoming January of 2024!